Austin Coding Academy Blog 405

matt coston
1 min readJan 31, 2021

1. Discuss in words something you learned in class today or this week. I began learning Redux for the React framework.
2. What is Redux? Redux is an open-source JavaScript library for managing application state.
3. What is ‘Store’ in Redux? A store is a state container that holds the application’s state. Redux can have only a single store in your application.
4. How is the state changed in Redux? The only way to update a state is by defining the action and then dispatching it.
5. What is the difference between a Presentational component and a Container component? Presentational components are concerned with the look, container components are concerned with making things work.
6. What is the second argument that can optionally be passed to setState and what is its purpose? A callback function which will be invoked when setState has finished and the component is re-rendered.
7. Which (if there is) node library method could you use to solve the algorithm problem you solved last night in your pre-homework? N/A
8. Which (if there is) node library method could you use to solve the algorithm problem you solved in class tonight? N/A
9. What is your opinion of currently popular frameworks/libraries? List and provide your thoughts. I am ok with React, but I am interested in trying other frameworks. I think Redux is overly complicated, and I look forward to checking out Context API.



matt coston

Hey there! I'm an IT manager by day, and I dabble in all things web development by night.