Austin Coding Academy Blog Post 2
1 min readAug 10, 2020
- Describe one thing you’re learning in class today. Answer: I learned how to access arrays within arrays in JS.
- What is “use strict”;? What are the advantages and disadvantages to using it? Answer: Use strict is new for ES5. The advantage and disadvantage to using it is that you cannot use undeclared variables. This means your variables have to be declared before usage.
- Explain function hoisting in JavaScript. Answer: Hoisting moves variable and function declarations to the top of the scope before code is executed. For more information read this article.,scope%20is%20global%20or%20local.
- Explain the importance of standards and standards bodies like ECMA. Answer: ECMA provides standards for the interoperability of websites. This governing body is good for making sure JS is usable across the world the same way.
- What actions have you personally taken on recent projects to increase maintainability of your code? Answer: I often go back and add comments or fix line spacing in previously written code. I am trying to get better about commenting as I go.
- Why is it, in general, a good idea to leave the global scope of a website as-is and never touch it? Answer: Assigning variables globally can be easily overwritten further down in a script.